I could not be more excited to see you here!
We have something in common for you curiosity to have brought you to my brain/ish.
Is it a furry critter or a possibility of one?
That I understand more than most, on a lot of different levels. From training them, raising them, caring for them, rescuing them, and now using more than a decade of medical education and training to help make them healthier, my heart goes to ever animal out there.
My life has been filled with joy given to me by the love of my animals and it is so worth it to me to be able to help others feel the best they possibly can.
What does this mean. Well, exactly what we should be doing as people. Eating healthy and fresh food.
Maintain quality. Keep out filler ingredients. Variety daily. Use ingredients instead of fillers or vitamins but supplement when needed.
Most of all, make sure your friends get what they need.